7:19 AM Unknown 0 Comments

When's the right time to let go? 
Does anyone really know when's the right time to let go? I think not. Some people say that when you're full of it and the pain is already suffocating, that's the time you let go. Maybe you do let go of the person, but the feelings are still there. The pain will go on and on until you let go of those feelings. 

In my experience I don't really think there's a definite time to let go. You'll just feel it. You'll just suddenly realize that you're over it and you're not affected anymore. The day will come when you just wake up and feel free. Free from your hopes that he'll eventually come back or take you back. Letting go is hard but once you've done it and you've gotten over it, you'll feel great and renewed. 

Always remember that sometimes holding on is more painful than letting go.

Chin up girl, you can do it.

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