8:24 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Crying.. Still crying. :( This post concert depression is realer than ever. Please come back soon my loves. I love you shits :(
(photo from Philippine Concert's FB page)
My feelings.. I can't put it into words. I am both happy and sad. Happy, cos the concert was a huge success and it was so fun. I am happier cos the boys also had a blast here in Manila <3 They kept on saying that Manila is one of their loudest shows and it's one of their favorites. They said that they've waited 5 years just to come here and that they're thankful that we waited for them. You guys are worth the wait, i swear. <3 I'm just sad cos it's over :( We'll wait another year or more just for them to come back. Of course they have to finish their tour first and then a new album and then maybe a tour again (i hoooope) 

During the concert, I realized that these guys are not famous just because of their pretty faces. But because they are truly talented. They are really good at what they do. You can see the love in their eyes. <3 There are times during the concert that i just stop dancing, jumping and screaming and just stare at the screen that has close-ups on them. I'm gonna say it again, THEY ARE FUCKING TALENTED! Luke and Mikee's guitar skills wowed me. Especially during their instrumentals in between song. My God. Calum's bass is also amazing! And Ashton, oh my gosh, Ashton! His drumming is to die for! Drooling all over. Huhu.

I am so proud of you guys. You've come a long way and you've waited so long for this. Congratulations babies! You did it! We your 5SOS fam, are so proud of you guys and from the bottom of our crazy hearts, WE LOVE YOU! <3

These are some photos that I took. Shitty photos cos my phone camera sucks haha. 

Please do come back soon, loves. Manila will still be as excited. <3

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