PHOTO DUMP: Enchanted Kingdom 2015

10:56 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Enchanted Kingdom with Truepa. December 27, 2015

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7:19 AM Unknown 0 Comments

When's the right time to let go? 

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Thank you, Kamikazee!

4:39 AM Unknown 0 Comments

" Ito na ang ating huling sandali. Di na tayo magkakamali. Kase wala nang bukas, sulitin natin, ito na ang wakas.. " :(

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7:12 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Me and my girls went to Mall of Asia concert grounds last Dec. 05, 2015 for REDvolution Manila. Redvolution is an aids awareness event. Partying/rave-ing for a cause! :P This is the only decent photo that we have and the only HQ one. All of our other photos are from our phones already. Hehe.

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Unsent Letters: To The Broken Girl Inside

2:55 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Sometimes a single smile can fool a lot of people. Some girls put on a smile to hide their true feelings and just chooses to put on a brave and happy face. But deep inside, she's sad, she's hurt, she's broken.

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Travel Diary: Sundowners Vacation Villas (Bolinao, Pangasinan)

2:28 AM Unknown 2 Comments

During the long weekend (Nov 28-30), me and my whole family went to Bolinao, Pangasinan to visit this Santorini inspired resort. The 7 hour drive was indeed worth it. This place did not disappoint!

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BOOK TALK: November 9 by Colleen Hoover

6:55 PM Unknown 2 Comments

November 9 is finally here! I've been waiting for this to come out months ago. I was so excited for this because I've read each and every book of Colleen Hoover and let me tell you, she will definitely give you "~the feels~" as in legit feels! Feels as in you're gonna laugh, cry, laugh and then cry again. Her books are like roller coaster rides. One page your up then we you flip, you're suddenly down. It's crazy! She may give you heartbreaks while reading the book but she promised us that we will always have our happy endings <3 When you finish her books, it will leave you smiling like an idiot!

Okay so much for the build up for CoHo. My first ever #BookTalk series goes to you because I love your work and I love you CoHo <3 hihi

Read more if you've already read the book cos I might write spoilers here. And I don't want that. I want you to feel the surprise and excitement of every moment! Go! Read it! Now!!!

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Book Reviews?!

3:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Yup, I am planning to post book reviews here in my blog. :) Since I've read tons of great books already, I would like to share my thoughts about those books. Hihi. Maybe i'll start them this coming term break! ;)

You could also suggest me some great reads! I would love to read some of your faves!

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7:14 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Last Thursday (September 17,2015) is the day when Adam Levine and the rest of the Maroon 5 band step foot to Manila once again! Definitely one of the highlights of my 2015!

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18 things

8:23 AM Unknown 0 Comments

1996 baby represent! At the age of 18, I've already learned so much. Things that I need to keep in mind for the rest of my life. :)

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5 signs that can prove you're still not over him

5:01 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hi girls! Suffered from a horrible break-up? Are you trying your best to move on but you're still not sure if you are already moved on or not? Here are 5 signs that can prove you are still not over him. ;)

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Something New

1:48 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Helloooooo, Blogger! I've decided to transfer here from Tumblr because my tumblr is kinda filled with reblogs right now and is kinda messy. Also, I can still feel all the negativity in that blog. 
Here in my new blog, I will make it as personal as I can. All about me, my family, friends, my life. 
There will be posts about fashion, love advice or tips and life tips or realizations. I'll try to be more active here cos I really enjoy this. <3

Much love, 

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